Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Bergedil Daging

5biji kentang di kopek kulit, di potong dan goreng dan kemudian di lenyek halus.

Anggaran 1/2 cawan hingga 1cawan daging cincang di rebus dlm pan dgn 1/2cawan air .. masak hingga air daging kering dan daging empuk.

2 ulas bawang putih di tumbuk halus.

1/4 cup bawang goreng.

sedikit hirisan daun sup dan bawang.

sedikit serbuk lada putih dan lada hitam.

garam dan perasa secukup rasa.

Semua di gaul rata.. dan ambil sedikit buat saperti bola kecil dan leperkan.

1 biji telor di kocok kocok dengan garfu dengan sedikit garam.

Masukkan bergedil dalam telor dan goreng dengan api yang sederhana.

1)5potato peel the skin off, cut big slices and fry it then mashed it well.
2)1/2 to 1 cup of minced meat boil it on the frying pan with 1/2 cup of water... till the water evaporates and the meat is cook and dry.
3) 2 garlic ... minced
4) 1/4 cup fried shallot (slice the shallot and fry till crispy)
5) dash of white pepper and black pepper.
6) some salt and some MSG (monosodium glutamate).. optional
Mix all the above like a dough and take some and roll on yr palm to form a small ball dan flatten it.
Take 1 egg .. beat the egg in a small bowl using a fork and add a pinch of salt.
Dip the flatten potato in the egg mixture and fry it...

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